Today is our 5th Anniversary. I'm so happy to be married to my best friend. I'm still crazy about Grant and love spending time together. We are going to wait and celebrate on Saturday since tomorrow is Logan's first birthday and I'm really excited! Here's to many more anniversaries!
I love you, Grant
September 24, 2009
Still the One
Posted by Natalie at 1:24 PM 3 comments
September 17, 2009
Some of Logan's First Steps
Logan has taken steps before but this is the most he had taken at the time. I love how excited he is!
Posted by Natalie at 5:13 PM 4 comments
A long overdue update
Grant said to me yesterday "After a month of no blogging and you blog about Patrick Swayze??" Haha I thought it was funny. I really can't believe I haven't posted anything since Drake's bday though... So here is an update!
This is all of our things stored away in the garage. Sometimes it doesn't seem ideal, but we really are lucky to have a place to keep everything.
This night was funny because the boys had been playing all day long and they could hardly stay
awake for baths and I took this pic of them trying to finish their bottles... but I think they both crashed instantly.

Mkay and then this is Grant's latest ambition. He is building a shed in his parents backyard. He thought we could store some of our stuff in it until we find a house and then his parents will have it after we move. When he first told me that he was going to build a shed I didn't know what to say. He has never built anything like a shed before. And I was thinking how do you even know how to? But once again Grant has suprised me. When he wants to do something he studies it and reads up on it and before I knew it, the walls were up... I really admire that quality in Grant, he is ambitious and willing to try anything.

These are a few shots of Logan's hair that I'll be trimming up soon. I needed a good "before" pic for his baby book. I think it's kinds cute long, but if I don't trim it soon Grant will take matters into his own hands. . .

Drake had a bad day yesterday. He was running while pushing this truck all around the driveway and the truck hit a lip in the cement and Drake flew over the truck and landed on his head and got this huge egg on his forehead! Once he recovered he wanted to go back outside only to get scratched by the cat ( I think Drake was trying to lay on top of the cat) But I think he was partly so upset because he loves that cat and didn't see it coming...
Posted by Natalie at 3:52 PM 3 comments
September 16, 2009
Posted by Natalie at 2:24 PM 2 comments