Well on Sunday night Drake got a runny nose and I didn't think much of it, but that runny nose turned into a bad cold and fast. And of course Logan is sick also. Both boys were crying and miserable all day yesterday and even worse today. Drake is so stuffed up he can hardly breath and hardly slept last night. I was up on and off with him until 4 am and that's when he woke up for good! Luckily Grant is awesome and stayed up with him until 7 when he went back to sleep. And then who decides to wake up soon after that?? Logan of course! Then Logan falls asleep again around 9 and I'm thinking I'm good to go back to bed. So I get all tucked in and warm in bed and I hear Drake crying AGAIN, and he woke Logan up... UGH! This pattern has continued most of the day. And I cannot wait for their Dr appointment tonight. I cannot think of anything worse than sick babies. Me and Grant have been drinking Air Bornes like there's no tomorrow but we are both feeling yucky anyway. I hope this doesn't last long and we can't wait for warmer weather.
The only good thing about being stuck in-doors is the time to catch up on some scrapping:) I hope everyone else is doing good and that no one catches this yuckiness that's going around!!