Grant is such a sweet dad. When I had complications after Drake was born, Grant was amazing. He took such good care of Drake. I swear I didn't change one diaper until Drake was a week old or something, Grant did it all. And Drake loves his dad. He gets so excited when he hears Grant get home and he goes over to the stairs to look for him. And he loves playing chase with Grant, he gets so excited and silly whenever Grant starts chasing him. I can't wait until Drake is old enough to tell Grant how much he loves him, but it's pretty obvious that he does!!
Love you bug!
Boys playin' in the sand

Best Buds

Drake helpin' Grant fix his bat.


Peek-a-boo my sexies! Shower time!

I love you Grant (all 3 of us do)
Love you bug!
Boys playin' in the sand

Best Buds
Drake helpin' Grant fix his bat.


Peek-a-boo my sexies! Shower time!

I love you Grant (all 3 of us do)
Love the "sexies" picture! Hubba hubba!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Grant's muscles look massive on the beach. (Tell him, I'm sure he will like it!)
Granty is a good Daddy, I can tell. He's a cool one too. Drake (and Logan) are gonna wanna be just like him someday. :)
Hope he had a good Daddy's Day even if he had to work.
So cute. I am sure that Grant is a way fun dad...he is a hoot any way.
Happy Father's Day Grant! These are some of the sweetest pics I have ever seen! Grant does look like he has toned up quite a bit to me too! You are such a sexy family! XOXOXOXO! I love you kiddies!
Ps look at Drake with his feet up on the computer desk! LOL! I can't wait to be an annoying aunt and kiss him to death again.
Nats, don't be too with two def is harder than life with will be busy for sure, but so enough your boys will be able to play together and give you a break. Claire and Libby are 17 months apart. I am glad now because I am not a big fan of the newborn phase so it is nice to have her out of that already...but it is challanging now because she is crawling all over and wants more it takes a lot more time and energy.
Try and get them to nap at the same time...that will be a life saver...where they are so little you might get 2 good naps out of each of them a day...that would be awesome.
You will do fine...I have had a few people that have had their kids this close..."my life at that point was a whirlwind...I don't remember anything." I feel like it is crazy...but I can't belive my oldest is only 4...I am waiting for her to grow a little so I at least have one that can do most things by herself. I guess more than anything just plan out your days so that you feel like you give them each a good amount of attention...and don't feel bad if you have to just sit down and hold them both...that is my biggest problem. Take time for yourself because two that close is exhasting. Call me if you need to chit chat. Kin can give you my #
that was seriously a novel and I forgot a few words and letters. Sorry...hope it makes scense.
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