February 20, 2009

Well it seems like the blogging world has died a little and everyone is facebooking for the moment. I am still figuring out facebook but everytime I login, it seems like I am on there forever and then I completely neglect my blog! But it doesn't help that there hasn't been much to post about with us. Grant posted that we put our house up for sale and I don't think I've mentioned it. But that has been keeping us busy because we are constantly cleaning in case anyone comes by to look at the house. And it's even harder with Drake on the loose because he's a little mess-maker. And my sister Whitney is in town and we have been having so much fun together. But we've been pretty low-key. Just hanging out, watchin' movies and talking and the babies keep us busy. I'm going to be so sad when she goes home next week :( Hopefully I will stop being lame and post some pics soon!


Anonymous said...

I hear you sister. I need to know spend so much time on Facebook and update my blog more faithfully! I am glad you got to spend some time with your sister...that is always fun! Hope you are doing good!!!

Jesse and Kimmie said...

Hey stranger! How wthe heck are ya!? I need to call you and get some work done. You are going to laugh when you see me. I am hidious! I hope Drakes eye is feeling better! Love ya!

Giron Family said...

I know Nat I've been a total slacker at blogging too! Guess that's what happens when you are addicted to FB! I wish I got to see Whit more. What day does she go home? Maybe we could do a Mon nite movie or dinner or something???? Miss you girly.

Coco said...

It's winter so everyone is hibernating, there's nothing fun going on because it's too cold to be outside and take fun pictures of fun activities. Can I get a what what?! Hahaha jk but seriously I've totally been the same way. No posts for weeks on end.