I am always having to play catch-up with my blog nowadays. I LOVE the FALL and it's been such a fun month. I have to go back to Logan's 1st Birthday with was on Sept 25. We had a superhero party for him and he was so cute. At 12 months he was walking, had 8 teeth and could say dog, cat and good. Since his bday he has added mom, dad and of course NO to his vocab. He is very, very stubborn and gives me major attitude but I love him so much!
The handsome bday boy
With big bro Drakey

His first birthday cake
This Halloween was so fun. The boys were Buzz Lightyear and Woody. Drake had fun trick-or-treating but it was a little too cold for him. But he ROBBED my mom and dad of TONS of candy. And we went to a trunk-or-treat at Grant's work and they both made out like little bandits. Next year will be way fun when Logan can get in on all the action.
I wanted to get some family photos and it was a little disasterous... Logan kept trying to escape, then Drake would. There was NO cooperation so most of the pics are more candid. And I don't think we got one good shot of all four of us. But we will just have to try again!

I wish it was fall all year round!!!!
Your boys are so cute! And what cute pictures. The boys look darling as Buzz and Woody. It was so fun seeing you the other day, hopefully we can get together again soon.
I can't believe he is one. Give yourself 6 more months and the boys will be playing together...really playing...it's nice! Love the pictures, kids never cooperate when we want them too...what do you do! There costumes are to die for!!!
The Drake Washington always gets me...that lil goof! I'm sad I didn't get to see lil Woody in his full getup! He looked so cute. And the family pics turned about as good as they can with little ones! I was just telling Jarell we should get our fam pics done up at the farm. Makes for a good back drop.
Where do I start?!!! Can the boys be any cuter and stylish? You are the most beautiful foursome EVER!!! I loved all the pictures... even the candid ones. YOU are SO skinny!!! Lookin good Natty.
The costumes are so cute, they both look so proud and Drake is totally in his element.
I can't believe how big Logan is. Him and Drake look like they are buddies! I am so happy for you and Looking at all these pics makes me miss you so much it hurts!!!
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