This is Grant's post: You can see Trevor didn't break his legs... but it looks bad. I had to put this on Natalie's blog because it deserves at least 6 views and my blog only has one person watching it...Natalie!
December 16, 2008
December 8, 2008
Logan's Blessing
Yesterday was Logan's blessing. Logan's Uncle Jarell gave him his blessing and it was beautiful and meant so much to us. Then everyone came to our house for some lunch. We ate "garbage", an awesome idea given to me by my sister, Shelby. You put some Fritos or Doritos in a ziploc along with taco meat, chili, cheese, sour cream, lettuce and anything else you like then you crunch it all up and eat it out of the bag! It was a good time when the house started clearing out and I looked in to find NO DISHES.
Here's Logan in the morning after his bath. He was relaxing until it was time to get in his outfit
This is Drake helping Grant with some last minute cleaning before the party
All dressed up and sooo handsome

Immediately after church trying to strip out of his church clothes... Hm wonder where he gets that from... Honestly when we got home from church, within minutes Grant was in jeans and Drake and Logan were crying until they were in comfy clothes!

We love Logan so much and are so happy he got sent to our family. Happy blessing day baby!!
Posted by Natalie at 3:30 PM 9 comments
And the Winner Is...
KINDER is the winner of my drawing for a free lash tint! Yay Kin :)
Posted by Natalie at 3:21 PM 2 comments
December 1, 2008
I LOVE My Hubby
Okay I HAVE to make a post for Grant real quick. He is an amazing man. I feel like I never say enough how much I appreciate him. He works so hard for our family and he is such a provider. And he is such a fun dad to Drake and Logan. On top of everything he is really sweet. Sometimes I complain that he isn't romantic and doesn't say sweet, mushy things. Then I remember that's not at all how he shows he loves me or anyone. He shows it by DOING. He fixes things, hangs stuff, works hard at his job, does overtime, etc. And I have been feeling so spoiled lately. For my birthday last month Grant got me a Canon Rebel, I've been wanting that camera for a long time. It was so much more than I expected. So I was so SHOCKED when he told me he went shopping on Black Friday and bought me a Cricut machine. I can see him fighting off all the women to get his hands on one! I'm so excited about it!! Thanks for all you do, you big sexy man!! I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU
Posted by Natalie at 2:36 AM 4 comments
Thanksgiving Weekend
This has been the busiest weekend ever! I'm completely exhausted but had soo much fun. Grant had to work on Thanksgiving so I decided to go to Idaho and have Thanksgiving at my Grandma's with my family. My grandma was so thrilled to see the boys. We had an amazing dinner and it was so fun to spend time together. My only complaint was that my grandma's house has lots of little knick knacks and keepsakes... all within Drake's reach! So it was so tiring following him around and making sure he didn't break anything.
Then on Friday we hung around the house until my dad got off work and then he had us all come down for a train ride and he taught me and Shel to work the controls and we actually got to drive the train, it was really exciting. I was so nervous I would crash into another train that was parked on the track. And then my dad let Drake push the horn and he went crazy pushing that button, it was so funny. After the train ride we went to the Thanksgiving Parade. We were all freezing and wouldn't have watched as much as we did but Drake LOVED it so we stayed almost until the end. After the parade we went to dinner and got warmed up. After all of that it would have been fun to go right to bed but we hit the road and drove back home. We had to be home by Saturday because all of the kids were getting together to do some painting at my mom's house. We wanted to suprise her for a Christmas present and my dad was in on it and keeping her up in Idaho so that we could work. So Saturday we painted into the night. I left at 1am but everyone else stayed up until 4. I would have pulled an all-nighter if not for the babies! It was lots of work but honestly we haven't hung out all together for such a long time and it was so fun. We were all teasing eachother and kept getting hyper from cokes and dr pepper then we would have a crash, then more hyperness. It was so fun to see her face when she got home on Sunday night. We love her so much and she deserved it! I hope everyone had a fun Thanksgiving! (sorry for the looon post)
Posted by Natalie at 2:32 AM 1 comments
November 20, 2008
4th Folder 4th Photo
Okay, this is the 2nd time I've gotten this tag and I've been putting it off because I have a power bun and look gross... but here it is. This is from when Drake was just starting to eat more and more solid foods and he loved to eat! If he saw someone eating he would want a bite. So on this day I gave him a ginger snap. I had no idea he could make that big of a mess from a little bity cookie! We were also playin' a little bit of dress up with his hat from his pirate costume. And we went over to show Grant how much Drake liked that cookie. I remember Grant was like "What the? What is he eating??" And we told him pirates don't have manners! And he took a pic ;)
I'll tag Natalie, Corinne, Alex and Kim
Posted by Natalie at 8:57 PM 7 comments
November 19, 2008
If you need any pampering for the holidays please let me know. My prices are at the bottom of the blog :)
Posted by Natalie at 12:37 PM 6 comments
November 18, 2008
He's a maniac
Drake has always liked to dance and he has a couple new moves. I think he gets this from his uncle Trevor G...
Posted by Natalie at 12:45 AM 6 comments
November 16, 2008
Family Pics
So our most recent family picture is from when Drake was just a few months old and it feels so weird to have it out because Logan is missing. So we went to the park to try and get some pictures with all of us. It was really fun and Drake had such a good time playing in all the leaves:)
Posted by Natalie at 6:10 PM 7 comments
November 14, 2008
The Girl I Used To Be
So this week has been a tough one. Drake had a checkup this week and had to get shots and he's always more fussy for a few days after that. And he's getting so many teeth at the same time. And Logan was crying for a half hour straight. That may not seem like too long but he is usually such a quiet little guy. So it got me a little frazzled. And I've been trying to do a lot of organizing around the house. And I feel like I've gotten so much done but it's a little frustrating because it's stuff you might not notice. So I feel like my house still looks so messy and cluttered. I'm just really excited for the weekend and to spend some time with Grant. And tonight I was also thinking how much I would love to take a long bath, wash my hair, put a mask on my face and paint my nails. But when the boys finally go to sleep I just want to crawl into bed. Sometimes I feel so frumpy during the week. I have a ponytail usually and no makeup. And I was looking at old pictures the other night and totally felt like I've let myself go. And I thought of a poem that my sister Whitney found a long time ago and it fit my mood. It also reminded me that sometimes I need to just stop what I'm doing and get down on the floor and play with the boys while they are little. It's okay if the house is cluttered sometimes. Not to mention that Drake usually follows me around while I'm cleaning and likes to take out what I just put away. Anyway, motherhood isn't always the most glamorous thing but I have no regrets. I know these years are going to go by so fast and I know I'm going to miss it. And I also feel very lucky to be able to stay home with the boys. Although sometimes I get so tired and frustrated that going back to work sounds kinda nice. I hope I'm not the only one who ever feels this way. If you've had a week like mine I hope you enjoy this poem as much as I do.
She came tonight as I sat alone...
The girl I used to be...
And she gazed at me with her earnest eye
And questioned reproachfully:
Have you forgotten the many plans
And hopes I had for you?
The great career, the splendid fame,
all the wonderful things to do?
Where is the mansion of stately height
With all its gardens rare?
The silken robes that I dreamed for you
And the jewels in your hair?
And as she spoke, I was very sad
For I wanted her pleased with me...
This slender girl from the shadowy past
The girl that I used to be.
So gently rising, I took her hand
And guided her up the stairs
Where peacefully sleeping, my babies lay
Innocent, sweet, and fair.
And I told her that these are my only gems,
And precious they are to me;
That silken robes is my motherhood
Of costly simplicity.
And my mansion of stately height is love,
And the only career I know
Is serving each day in these sheltered walls
For the dear ones who come and go
And as I spoke to my shadowy guest,
She smiled through her tears at me.
And I saw the woman that I am now
Pleased the girl I used to be.
~~ Author Unknown ~~
Posted by Natalie at 11:41 PM 8 comments
November 9, 2008
Anyone Else Excited for Twilight?
Me and Shel got some sweet tees tonight to show our excitement for the Twilight movie. Grant says we are super big nerds, but we don't care. I will say I felt really old shopping at Hot Topic though! Whenever I go in there I always feel so out of my element and more so because I just had a bday and 26 came so quick!
Anyhow, yay for Twilight and yay for Edward!
Posted by Natalie at 11:15 PM 9 comments
November 2, 2008
Our Halloween
We had a really fun Halloween this year. We went to Jarell and Kinder's. Kin fed us dinner and it was so good! Then we made the rounds to both of our parents' houses. It was a hectic time but still very fun. Here are some pics from our night:)
My little pumpkin
Lil Grumpy Bear
My Binky Babies
All Dressed Up
Grant as Clark Kent mmm so sexy
My personal superman
Best Cousins
Runnin' Wild
Posted by Natalie at 11:13 PM 9 comments
October 30, 2008
Our Haunted House
So anyone who has been to my house knows that in our front room Grant hung surround sound speakers up on every wall. It was a battle I lost when we first moved in. And I will admit that it is fun to have surround sound for movies but they are big and black and are a total eyesore. Well this year I got out all of my Halloween decorations and put them out. And then Grant had a fun idea that we should turn the speakers into ghosts! And he picked out all the fabric and everything. So here are our spooky ghosts :) I might have to do something like this every holiday to hide the speakers, maybe christmas trees or something....
(This is a purple, people eater if you can't tell...) Please don't pay attention to the frames with no pics in them yet, I just hung them and now I need to get my pics printed :)
Posted by Natalie at 3:14 PM 6 comments
October 29, 2008
Papaya Pumpkin Masque
I found a fun recipe for a homemade pumpkin facial mask (and it was easy to make because it only has 3 ingredients) Pumpkin is really good for the skin. It has enzymes that will eat away dead skin cells. It works like a facial scrub without any abrasion or scrubbing. It also has lots of Vitamin A and C, and it will give your skin a healthy glow :) Click HERE for the recipe. The website recommends you test some of the mask on your hand if you have sensitive skin and I think it's a good idea. I don't have sensitive skin and I thought the mask felt really good, a little tingly. But it might feel more intense if you have sensitive skin :) And this recipe made plenty of mask for more than one person so it would be a fun thing to do for a girl's night (or go ahead and slap some on your hubby or boyfriend!) It should stay good in the fridge for about a week, too.
Posted by Natalie at 9:38 PM 2 comments
October 20, 2008
Best Brothers
Things are starting to settle down at our house and I'm getting used to having two babies. And I do feel very blessed.
Posted by Natalie at 1:52 PM 9 comments
October 13, 2008
And Baby Makes Four
Yay!! Our computer is fixed! That was such a long time to be without computer and internet. And a lot has changed for us! We are now a family of four. Logan Grant was born on September 25 at 3:45 pm. He was 8 lb 1 ou and 20.5 inches. You can decide for yourself but most people are saying he is a Giron for sure, more Giron than Grant, haha! He is a sweetheart and I feel blessed to have him in my life. Drake has been a really good big brother. He is so curious about Logan and always looks at me when he hears the baby cry. And I'll say "Let's go check on the baby" and he will run to the bassinet. He is a sweetheart. I never pictured myself as a mother of two boys but I adore them and can't imagine it any other way.
Poor bruised baby! Being born is hard work!!
Best brothers:)
Posted by Natalie at 8:32 PM 13 comments
September 21, 2008
So our computer has been down and I haven't been able to blog at all or look at any blogs!! Luckily the part that is broken should be here this week! But here is a little update on us.... Drake had his first haircut. He actually held really still. He was watching Monsters Inc. and Grant kept feeding him fish crackers and we managed to get through it pretty quick. Can't wait until I can post some pics. And the biggest news in our lives right now is that my due date is this coming
Saturday the 27th. And the good news is that I'm going to get induced on the 25th if I don't have him before. I am sooo excited! In just 4 days there's going to be a new baby in our lives. Can't wait for the computer to be back so I can look at everyone's blogs that I've been missing!
Posted by Natalie at 9:31 PM 6 comments
September 4, 2008
A. The rules are posted at the beginning.B. Each person answers the questions about thier sweetheartsC. At the end of the post, the person then tags people and posts their names; then goes to there blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged. Alright people, here are the facts and the details.
What is your husbands name? Grant Michael Giron
How long have you guys been married? 4 years
How long did you date? 5 years. We met at the beginning of junior year which was 1999. We started dating exclusively November 1, 1999 (yes yes, I do remember the actual date) We dated until we were married in September of 2004 (minus a couple of the high school break up then get back together things)
How old is he? 25
Who eats more sweets? Me for sure!
Who said I love you first? I did. And I remember there was silence on the other end of that I love you. I felt so stupid! I think I told him pretty soon after we started dating and I'm sure I freaked him out. But I really did love him and couldn't keep it to myself!
Who is taller? Grant is. I'm also grateful to be able to wear heels :)
Who can sing best? I'm gonna say Grant on this one
Who is smarter? Grant is for sure more logical than I am and more curious than I am. If he doesn't understand how something works he will find out. And he can fix practically anything. I'm a better speller though, and I used to be really good at math.
Who does the laundry? We both do. I hate doing laundry! And Grant has been doing more laundry than me lately cuz it's hard to pack the baskets up and down the stairs with my big belly.
Who pays the bills? Most of them are set up on auto-pay. I pay the few that aren't. But Grant keeps track of our accounts and makes sure there's enough mula!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do usually. But we need a new mattress bad cuz there is a spring poking up on my side so I've been stealing the left side a lot lately!
Who mows the lawn? Grant
Who cooks dinner? I do, but I'm honestly not a very good cook. And I really don't enjoy it too much. I feel like I make the same stuff over and over. So boring!
Who drives? Grant does
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I am for sure. I hate fighting, so I usually try to make up really quick
Who kissed who first? I think Grant initiated our first kiss... that's how I remember it. I'll have to see if he agrees.
Who asked who out first? I did. I remember I totally got snubbed by my friends that night and I was so bummed. And Grant had given me his phone number at school and I'd been telling my mom how cute he is and stuff. So my mom and sister, Steph, kept telling me to just call him. So I did :)
Who wears the pants? That phrase is so one-way. If I say Grant does I feel like I'm saying that I don't have a say in anything, and that's not how it is. But Grant does wear the pants in the way that he couldn't stand it if I ordered him around and always told him what he could and couldn't do
I'm going to tag Alex, Elissa, Lynae, Jen, Grant and Jarell... boys should change this to a WOman tag:)
Posted by Natalie at 4:48 PM 2 comments
September 3, 2008
One Step Closer...
We got the door and garage painted yesterday. We thought we were done painting but Grant and I both think the soffits should be painted the same color as the door and garage. What a pain... for Grant! ha ha! Now it's time to accessorize! I'm going to get a new porch light and a new welcome mat. Anybody have any other good ideas? Then next year hopefully we will be able to
Posted by Natalie at 3:15 PM 6 comments
August 25, 2008
A Work in Progress
So one thing I really wanted done before the baby comes was to have the front door painted. As you can see in the before pic it was half green/half primed for a couple months. But when I asked Grant to fix it he said as long as he was painting he wanted to paint the whole house cuz he hates this brown color. And I have never loved the brown color but painting the whole house seemed a bit too ambitious. But anyone who knows Grant knows that once he gets an idea there is no turning back! So we are in the middle of it all and here is a pic of the house so far. I'm going to paint the garage and door a charcoaly-brown color (hard to explain but I'll post a pic when it's done) And we need to shop for a new porch light, too. I want to get a black lantern type light or something. Anyway, more pics to come!
Posted by Natalie at 10:27 PM 7 comments
August 22, 2008
For Uncle Jarell
Posted by Natalie at 11:40 PM 5 comments
August 17, 2008
An Upgrade
I can't believe we just barely got Drake a high chair and he is one! It just seems like there is always SOMETHING to have to buy! I would usually just hold him on my lap to feed him, but it was becoming a struggle... But my life just got a ton easier. He can feed himself a lot more and plus he can't escape and drag his food all around.
This was a day of desperation... I am basically out of room on my lap and he wants to be so independent, so we belted him to the chair! Ghetto Fab
Posted by Natalie at 11:14 PM 4 comments