April 15, 2008

Growing Up

I swear Drake is getting bigger by the minute. In just the last month or so he has learned so many new things. He is mobile and more independent...but also gets into EVERYTHING. I'm constantly chasing him around. He can pull himself up to stand and his new favorite spot is at the front room window looking at everything. Sometimes I cannot believe that he was once in my tummy and so little. We love him so much! Here are some pics of my big boy!


Giron Family said...

It does seem weird that he is getting so big! I wanna see him looking out the window! That is so freakin' cute. I love the pic of him in the hat sideways. Too cute for words!
Hope to see you guys at the game tomorrow! We are gonna freeze our booties off!

Alex said...

He really is getting big and so cute! I really can't believe how fast they grow up.

Bradi said...

Hi guys! Wow, he has changed even since we were up there! :) He's so cute! Hey, I changed my blog address to bradiandbobby.blogspot so you might want to update your link on your blog. :) Hope to talk to ya soon!

Hayley said...

You lil man IS getting so big! wow!

Thanks for the compliment on the pictures I took. I have had this photo editing program for a few years so it was really easy for me to edit their pictures. I love doing it. If you need me to take some family pics... I don't charge! HAHAHA.

PS: I would be scared to play dodge ball with Grant cause I could see him purposely throwing the ball at my head. I can't get hit ANOTHER time in the head... that would be just plain humiliating.